A bachelor's degree in a field other than nursing is required. Once admitted to the program, students complete nursing courses in four academic terms - three semesters and a summer. Courses are offered through the Division of Distance Education but students are required to attend on campus and clinicals are completed in the Grand Forks region.

The hallmark of professional nursing is the art of caring with the thoughtful application of the knowledge of the discipline in accordance with recognized standards of practice.

  • Nurses care for clients holistically, knowing that health is personal and influenced by multiple factors.
  • Nursing history and tradition address disparities in the health of all populations and emphasize development of human potential.
  • Nurses collaborate with recipients of nursing care and others to prevent illness, alleviate suffering, and promote, protect and optimize the health of individuals, families, groups, communities and populations.
  • Nurses are committed to serving vulnerable, rural and underserved populations.
  • Nurses bring discipline, specific knowledge, competencies, and values to the inter-professional healthcare team. The context of nursing is dynamic, complex and multidimensional.

Professional nursing practice is supported by a sound knowledge base. Research informs and builds our profession. Nursing education at the baccalaureate level integrates content from the arts and humanities, social and physical sciences, and requires competencies in patient care technology, communication and information management. Coursework enhances personal and professional skills, promotes lifelong learning, clinical leadership, and evidence-based practice within a context of globalization.

Teaching is a process designed to facilitate learning within an academic environment that is student centered and supports various learning styles and diverse cultural perspectives. Faculty use active teaching methods to guide nursing students as they acquire the knowledge, skills, and ability to function independently in diverse settings.