Like any Stockton degree program, a Liberal B.A. program should show coherence, breadth of education and depth of study in a particular area. Like any Stockton Bachelor of Arts program, it should also reflect the University?s commitment to the liberal arts in the general education of students. Liberal Studies majors are not exempt from the General Studies requirements. Although proposals resembling an existing degree program may be approved, the LIBA major is not a means by which established programs can be diluted. Students pursuing a specific career or graduate study are advised to solicit and consider the advice of faculty in similar or related disciplines and programs.?

The Liberal B.A. program is not intended to be a default option for students in other majors.?
Planning a Liberal B.A. takes time and commitment; considerable thought and discussion are required, since the student proposing a Liberal B.A. is, in effect, proposing that the University support an individually-tailored degree program. Planning a Liberal B.A. also requires that the student assume a large portion of the responsibility for his or her educational choices.

The organization of a Liberal B.A. course of study may take several forms depending on the particular interests and needs of the student. The course of study, and the proposal describing it, must reflect a central unifying purpose or theme.

In recent years, students have pursued the following interests through the LIBA Program:

  • Thematic/topical ? interdisciplinary exploration of a particular theme or topic (e.g., ?Freedom and Constraint? and ?The World, Its People, and Their Art?);
  • Expanded study in a topical program, such as gerontology, Women?s Studies, African-American studies or humanities
  • Pre-professional ? interdisciplinary study intended to prepare the student either to enter a particular career field (e.g., wildlife illustration or fine arts management), or to attend graduate or professional school in a variety of areas.