The civil engineer deals with the function and safety of such public facilities as buildings, bridges, dams, pipelines, powerplants, highways, and harbors, and is concerned with the protection of the public against natural hazards of earthquakes, floods, landslides, and fires.

The graduate curriculum leading to an M.S. in Civil Engineering provides specialized training in the fields of structural engineering and applied mechanics, soil mechanics and foundation engineering, environmental engineering, water resources engineering, highway engineering, and geomatics engineering.

Mission of Civil Engineering

The Civil Engineering Program at California State University, Fresno strives to provide the high-quality education required for students to fully develop their professional qualities and skills as civil engineers in diverse environments and to develop their personal potential to the greatest extent possible to serve society.

The Civil Engineering Program's Educational Objectives

Graduates of the Civil Engineering Program are expected to exhibit the following:

  • Technical Aptitude: Be employed as engineers with the ability to use their technical knowledge, design, and problem-solving skills for effective professional practice throughout their careers;
  • Life-Long Development: Exercise capabilities for life-long learning as a means to enhance their technical and professional skills to continuously enrich themselves and benefit the communities they are serving and beyond;
  • Collaborative Spirit: Develop interpersonal and collaborative skills that function well among a diverse group of professionals for a productive career; and
  • Professional Advancement: Advance and support the engineering profession through participation of the professional societies, civic groups, and educational institutions and/or establish a distinctive record of professional achievements.