They have ongoing collaborations with several international research groups including the Institute of Applied Physics of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, the Center for Gravitation and Fundamental Metrology (VNIIMS) at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, and the Universidad de Costa Rica. The students in this area regularly attend national and international conferences to give talks, and they are active in publishing their research work in refereed journals. Several international researchers have visited our department and engaged in collaborative research, colloquia, and seminars.

The B.S. in Physics offers preparation appropriate to employment in government and industry involving a range of activities from laboratory work to technical sales. It also offers appropriate background preparation for graduate study in physics and a large number of other fields. With an appropriate choice of electives, it provides a very strong premedical, predental, or preoptometry program.

Beyond professional goals, the study of physics provides a deep understanding of fundamental processes which underlie our physical world and fosters methods of inquiry which promotes intelligent analysis.