You may be involved in the design and regulatory approval of advanced medical technologies, as well as the manufacturing of health care products. Funding opportunities include research or teaching assistantships and fellowships. Lab rotations, funded as graduate research assistantships, are available for top Ph.D. candidates and offer a one-year opportunity for students to rotate through research labs within the School of Biomedical Engineering to find the ideal match of research project and advisor for their dissertation research.
The Ph.D. in at curriculum includes core courses in advanced mathematics and statistics, biomedical engineering, and biotechnology, as well as technical electives chosen from numerous engineering and life science courses. The curriculum is designed to provide flexibility and support your research specialty. You will also be required to complete a Ph.D. qualifying process, present your research plan in a preliminary exam, and defend your completed research in a final exam/dissertation defense.
Strengths of the program include:
- Opportunities to develop major advances in the health care field
- Nationally and internationally recognized faculty from over a dozen departments
- Practical and academic experience with regulatory issues and approval processes with animal and human subjects
- Conducting research in state-of-the-art facilities, including the nationally renowned Veterinary Teaching Hospital
- Community of innovators on the cutting edge of research in cancer, orthopaedics, cardiovascular disease, nanotechnology, biosensors, and more