The computer science courses required for the bachelor’s degree are typically taught by our regular faculty, all of whom hold a doctoral degree. As an undergraduate student, an advisor is assigned to help in choosing electives in their particular area of interest. For students with no computer experience, we offer introductory courses in the standard curriculum for majors. Advanced undergraduate students may have the possibility to take graduate courses while completing their undergraduate program. An extensive and varied set of elective courses in every aspect of computer science is available as well.

Career Opportunities

Computer scientists choose jobs in business, industry, teaching, research, agriculture, energy and other areas. They work in systems analysis, management information processing, databases, software systems, operating systems, process control systems, automation systems, simulation models, new computer design, security, encryption, gaming and development or management.
According to the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, software engineers, network systems and data communication analysts, computer scientists and database administrators are expected to be among the fastest growing occupations. Employment of these computer specialists is expected to increase much faster than average. As an undergraduate student, you will find many opportunities to work part-time as a research assistant on campus, or as an intern with a local or regional business.
Graduates of our department have recently accepted employment in major national businesses and industries, including Hewlett-Packard, IBM, AT&T, CISCO Systems, Oracle, Echelon, Cargill, SGI, Microsoft, Digikey, John Deere and Thomson Reuters. Many have chosen positions in North Dakota and adjoining states. There is a large and growing need for computer professionals in North Dakota.
During the final semester of their senior year, students take part in a capstone program. The objective of the capstone program is to provide the students with an experience that brings together the technical knowledge they have acquired, while fostering valuable teamwork skills. This is accomplished by working in small teams on real life projects. Capstone projects are done in conjunction with corporate, industrial or government clients/sponsors. Some of our recent sponsors have been 3M, Appareo, ATK, CNSE, IBM, Microsoft, NISC, Noridian, John Deere, Polaris, Rockwell Collins, Sundog, Thomson Reuters, and West Corp.