Accordingly, the social science education major includes a broad range of courses and subjects. Students are expected to demonstrate both breadth and depth of understanding in the academic disciplines that make up the social sciences.  Candidates in the social science education major are prepared to teach a diverse curriculum to a diverse student population. The major consists of groups of courses and experiences in a variety of social science disciplines.

The social science education student should work closely with an advisor to be sure that the general education courses taken will provide a strong foundation for the advanced courses in the major.  Students may enroll in the 300-level professional education courses before being formally admitted to the School of Education (SOE). Prior to enrolling in the 400-level courses, students must complete the application for admission to the SOE, attain a minimum of a 2.75 grade point average overall in their course work, in education courses, in teaching specialty courses, and pass the PRAXIS I test.