In the History program, students will:
  • Complete senior capstone projects, including a choice of an individualized senior thesis or senior seminar
  • Benefit from small class sizes; many introductory classes have less than 30 students and most elective courses have less than 20 students
  • Learn from accomplished full-time faculty who specialize in research on a variety of historical topics
  • Have the opportunity to begin to apply your skills through student tutoring and classroom learning assistantships (CLAs)
  • Put your knowledge to work through oral histories, community language studies, and tutoring through the SHU Community Connections program and the SHU Campus Chapter of Habitat for Humanity
  • Be able to apply to SHU’s College of Education and begin taking education courses
  • Study the history of coastal communities and environments with Professor John Roney in Dingle, Ireland, or the history of American finance in Europe with Professor David Thomson in Luxembourg 
  • Have the opportunity to study abroad throughout China, Latin America, or Europe
  • Expand your knowledge by attending special lectures, field trips, and academic conferences
  • Enhance your learning experience with an internship or research opportunities, including summer stipends for research and opportunities to assist faculty on research projects
  • Join Phi Alpha Theta, the international history honors society, the SHU History Club or the Celtic Club