• MA in interdisciplinary studies is for students who seek a master's degree that integrates knowledge from several disciplines.
  • It addresses the rapidly evolving demand for unique graduate study by promoting advanced scholarship that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries.
  • Students can pursue one of the following structured interdisciplinary concentrations and also have the opportunity to design an individualized concentration to meet the special needs of their careers.
    • Concentration in Computational Social Science (CSS)
    • Concentration in Energy and Sustainability (EAS)
    • Concentration in Religious Studies (RELI)
    • Concentration in Social Entrepreneurship (SOCE)
    • Concentration in Social Justice and Human Rights (SJHR)
    • Concentration in War and the Military in Society (WMS)
    • Concentration in Women and Gender Studies (WGST)
    • Individualized Concentration (IND)
  • Students are required to successfully complete 36 credits for the program.
  • All students complete their work in the program with a project or thesis.