Statistical techniques are useful, for example, in estimating plant, animal and mineral abundances; forecasting social, political and economic trends; planning field plot experiments in agriculture; performing clinical trials in medical research; and maintaining quality control in industry. Employment opportunities are excellent for statisticians in many of these areas.

As a postbaccalaureate program, the certificate in statistics is equivalent to a full year of graduate statistics courses and is ideal for current graduate students in disciplines other than statistics (especially the sciences). The graduate certificate in statistics encourages a more in-depth study of statistics and provides students a credential recognizing their quantitative expertise.

The M.S. degree program in statistics builds upon UAF?s strength in the sciences and our setting in Alaska by introducing a strong quantitative alternative or supplement to existing programs. The curriculum is built around four statistics core courses and flexibility in selection of elective courses. The core courses are designed to blend mathematical statistics course work typical of most M.S. programs in statistics with real applications. We believe this blending provides a substantial improvement in the graduate?s skills.z?