Petroleum engineering offers a unique look at the challenging problems confronting the petroleum industry. This program requires an understanding of many disciplines including mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology and engineering science. Courses in petroleum engineering deal with drilling, formation evaluation, production, reservoir engineering, computer simulation and enhanced oil recovery.

The curriculum prepares graduates to meet the demands of modern technology while emphasizing, whenever possible, the special problems encountered in Alaska. Located in one of the largest oil-producing states in the nation, the UAF petroleum engineering department offers one of the most modern and challenging degree programs available.

The petroleum engineering program educational objectives are:

  • Our graduates will possess the technical knowledge and skills required to analyze real world petroleum engineering problems, and develop innovative solutions that meet the needs of multiple stakeholders.
  • Our graduates will recognize the value of continuing professional development throughout their careers. This may take the form of advanced degrees, industry courses, and formal mentoring and coaching.
  • Our graduates will compete effectively in the global petroleum engineering profession and they will exhibit the behaviors necessary to become leaders in the Alaska petroleum industry and beyond.