Consistent with the goals of TCNJ, the chemistry faculty has substantial contact with each student. Faculty advisors meet regularly with students to assist in defining educational paths that will best allow the pursuit of career goals. Student development is enhanced through a seminar program, which includes discussions of the roles and responsibilities of chemists in today?s society.

Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in research with faculty members in each of the sub-disciplines of chemistry. TCNJ chemistry majors can pursue advanced degrees in analytical, forensics, organic, inorganic, physical chemistry, biochemistry, and computational chemistry at leading graduate programs throughout the country. Graduates are also well-prepared for entrance into dental, medical, pharmacy and other professional schools.

The program trains students for careers working in the chemical industry, as educators, and in careers at state and national government laboratories. By combining the chemistry degree with an appropriate minor, students will also be well prepared to pursue careers that rely on a peripheral knowledge of chemistry. For example, students interested in pursuing a career in pharmaceutical sales and marketing can combine a major in chemistry with a minor in marketing. Chemistry specializations in Forensic Chemistry and the Chemistry and Physics of Condensed Matter are available as well, to further broaden the chemistry background of TCNJ students.

The Chemistry Department has a strong sense of community with a Student Chemist?s Association (part of the ACS Student Affiliates) and a chapter of the National Chemistry Honor Society (Gamma Sigma Epsilon). Students completing the chemistry major will receive a Bachelor of Science degree. Students planning to pursue a career in chemistry or allied fields are strongly encouraged to complete the requirements for American Chemical Society certification.