Delve into fascinating questions of human thought, emotion, and behavior. How do the brain and the mind interact? How do social and cultural forces shape us? How do we change from birth to death? How can we use psychology to help people overcome challenges in their lives, workplaces, and communities? Gain the expertise of the psychologist through courses, internships, and faculty-led research. Our graduates are well prepared for advanced study and exciting careers.

The Bachelor of Arts in psychology program focuses on the scientific study of behavior, cognition, and emotion. Through in-depth exploration of psychological theory and research?including hands-on learning in research laboratories, internships, and community-based projects?students gain understanding of the complexities of psychological phenomena. The psychology department helps students develop and appreciate the importance of critical thinking combined with empirical evidence in understanding human and animal nature. The department offers learning experiences that enrich students? understanding of functioning from behavioral, biological, cognitive, developmental, humanistic, organizational, psychodynamic, social, and sociocultural perspectives.