The program at Gannon University offers an accelerated three-and-one curriculum. During the first three years students develop a strong foundation in the sciences, preparing them for a year-long clinical rotation with an accredited hospital-based program.

Gannon is affiliated with the following hospital-based clinical laboratory programs:

  • Conemaugh School of Medical Technology
  • Saint Vincent Hospital School of Medical Technology
  • UPMC Chautauqua WCA Medical Laboratory Science Program

Upon successful completion of the clinical rotation, students receive their bachelor’s degree. Graduates who then pass the American Society of Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Board of Certification (BOC) exam may use the initials MLS (ASCP) after their names to show proficiency in the field.

You Will Achieve

There are many specific career paths stemming from medical technology. Such opportunities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • bioengineering
  • biogenetics
  • blood donation and transfusion services
  • cancer research
  • cell marker technology
  • crime laboratories
  • education
  • fertility clinics
  • hospital and reference laboratories
  • industrial areas such as pharmaceuticals and food technology
  • laboratory information systems
  • laboratory management
  • medical clinics
  • organ and tissue donation and transplant services
  • quality assurance
  • sales and maintenance of instrumentation
  • therapeutic drug monitoring

You Will Earn

Estimates show that the job outlook will continue to increase much faster than average for medical laboratory scientists (14 percent growth) through 2024. The median annual salary for these laboratory professionals in 2015 was:

  • Medical laboratory scientist: $60,520