students from?Gannon University gain extensive research experience through advanced statistics and research courses.? In addition, students select courses in mathematics, statistics, biology, chemistry or computer science to augment their psychology courses and increase their competitiveness in their chosen area of emphasis.? Specialized course sequences are also available for students who combine the psychology major with the pre-medical curriculum.

You Will Experience

Psychology majors complete at least one semester of Research Practicum, in which they have the opportunity to work one-on-one with a professor conducting research in psychology. Students may be involved in study design, data collection, data analysis, preparing a manuscript for publication and/or delivering a conference presentation.

Psychology students also participate in laboratory sections of Physiological and Cognitive Psychology.? The Physiological Lab provides students with hands-on experience conducting physiological research and communicating the results of this research.? The Cognitive Lab gives students practical experience programming and running computer-based cognitive psychology experiments.?

You Will Achieve

Graduates with a Bachelor of Science in psychology are well prepared for doctoral programs in clinical psychology, neuroscience, cognitive psychology, biopsychology, quantitative psychology and experimental psychology.? This degree also provides excellent preparation for medical school or graduate school in physical therapy, in conjunction with the appropriate pre-professional curriculum.? Alternatively, graduates are prepared for immediate entry into laboratory work at the bachelor?s level.

Psychology students present original research annually at the Western Pennsylvania Undergraduate Psychology Conference and/or Sigma Xi Undergraduate Research Conference, attended by faculty and students from universities throughout the region.

You Will Earn

Salaries in the industry vary depending on the location and type of organization.

  • Starting salary: $38,300
  • Mid-career salary: $62,100