students from Gannon University? will develop the necessary knowledge and skills to gain a competitive edge in the field through hands-on experience in the laboratory and in the community, and while learning various technical skills such as creating 3D-printed materials or learning coding skills to analyze movement of the human body to complete various projects and research.

You Will Experience

Regionally, there is an initiative to establish a biotech corridor between Pittsburgh and Cleveland. The Northwest Industrial Resource Center is working to include Erie?

in this effort. The corridor would help to establish connections between manufacturers of biomedical devices, researchers at universities and healthcare facilities to create opportunities for internships, research projects and senior design projects for biomedical engineering students.

You Will Earn

A biomedical engineering degree allows you to work in different environments such as industry, hospitals, entrepreneurship or academia.

Salaries in the field vary depending on the location and type of organization.

  • Starting salary: $59,000
  • Mid-career salary: $91,700