The curriculum is rigorous. The 30+ hours of chemistry include organic and physical chemistry. Biology requirements include cell biology, as well as classical and molecular genetics. The curriculum also involves two semesters of physics and a semester of calculus. BMB majors will also carry out original research under the tutelage of a chemistry or biology faculty member, and will present the results of that research at a departmental seminar.

With the rigor, however, comes the reward! This interface between chemistry and biology - the understanding of life processes at the chemical (molecular) level - is one of the most exciting and rapidly-developing areas of science! Imagine yourself

?? elucidating the secrets of the human genome

?? developing new therapeutic strategies for disease treatment

?? determining how environmental factors affect human health

?? exploring new ways to effectively fight bioterrorism

?? improving crop production and agricultural disease resistance

?? investigating the biological implications of long-term human space exploration

?? solving mysteries utilizing forensic analysis