• In addition, the need for microbiologists at various levels of the educational and governmental systems will parallel development in these areas. Thus, there will be a bright future for students who prepare themselves thoroughly in microbiology and have a strong background in chemistry, physics, mathematics, molecular biology, and computers.
  • A student majoring in Microbiology at the University of Texas at El Paso will be able to select courses, upon completion of the basic course in General Microbiology, from such areas as Microbial Physiology, Mycology, Virology, Immunology, Industrial Microbiology, Food Microbiology, Pathogenic Microbiology, Public Health, Microbial Ecology, and Ultrastructure.
  • Upon completion of a bachelor's degree, graduates may work in entry-level industrial jobs, clinical-medical laboratories, and local-state-federal government agencies. Others may prefer work in non-laboratory jobs selling pharmaceuticals and laboratory supplies and equipment used in research facilities, hospitals, and public health areas. Some graduates choose to go into a professional school (e.g., medicine, dentistry, or veterinary medicine) and others to graduate school for the master's degree, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), or Doctor of Science (Sc.D.).
  • Beginning salaries in microbiology are related to the educational background and experience of the job applicant. Sometimes certification, such as that awarded by the National Registry of Microbiologists, the American Board of Medical Microbiology, or the American Board of Medical Laboratory Immunology, also can be important. Beginning salaries for a B.S. in microbiology now generally exceed $20,000.