The Liberal Studies Comprehensive Major provides an alternative to traditional majors.??Every student majoring in Liberal Studies?develops an individualized program of?study, supported by?consultation with the Liberal Studies Program Director and, in some cases, with a faculty adviser.?Each?individualized?program of study includes a primary theme, three required Liberal Studies seminars, and three interdisciplinary areas of concentration that explore the primary theme.?

Through this structure, Liberal Studies?offers an opportunity to connect several areas of academic interest that are not located in any single discipline. Students in Liberal Studies have a unique opportunity to?benefit from?coursework?in departments?across the university and to build an educational experience that is highly relevant to their professional and personal goals.? Liberal Studies majors will also be encouraged to take advantage of UW-Eau Claire?s strong tradition in student-faculty collaborative research by developing and implementing a research, scholarly, or creative project, especially related to the integrating themes of their individual academic program.?