The purpose of the M.S. program in biology is to provide students with a comprehensive foundational knowledge in their area of specialty, a high degree of competence in research design and methods, and communication skills.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the standards of ethics and conduct in their profession and behave consistent with these standards
  • Comprehend the impact of their professional decisions and actions upon society, their employer, their profession, and themselves and work diligently to achieve positive outcomes
  • Be proficient in performing research
  • Read, analyze and write consistent with the standards of their field
  • Communicate effectively in a variety of modes using emerging technologies as required in a discipline specific professional setting
  • Identify and understand critical issues
  • Possess the ability to challenge and evaluate information
  • Synthesize and integrate knowledge
  • Demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills. Apply their knowledge and skills in academic, applied or research settings.
  • Formulate new ideas.