The M.B.A. degree program with a major in integrative management is also known as The Weekend M.B.A., and extends over 19 months. It consists of two summer residential sessions, four academic semesters and a late–spring session. During the academic semesters, most of the courses are scheduled on alternating weekends, primarily Saturdays. Students are admitted to the program in integrative management for summer session only. Students in the program must complete the required courses in a defined sequence with the other members of their class.

The program in integrative management is designed for professionals who meet the admission requirements and want to advance in their careers without interrupting their full–time employment to pursue graduate study. The objective of the program is to prepare graduates who are able to make sound business decisions based on integrating information across the various fields of business and to manage businesses in an evolving global environment. The integrative theme is carried out through the coordination of course modules, through in–depth student analyses of the organizations in which they are employed, and by team efforts that require cross–functional perspectives and build on peer strengths.