The mission of the Michigan State University Master of Arts (MA) Rehabilitation Counseling Program is to promote the effective delivery of rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities by providing graduates who have demonstrated through academic achievement the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to provide rehabilitation services to individuals with physical, mental, and/or emotional needs.

The objectives of the Michigan State University Master of Arts (MA) Rehabilitation Counseling Program are to provide students with the opportunity to:

  • Acquire a sound, basic education in rehabilitation;
  • Develop the lifelong habit of updating skills and professionalism;
  • Develop a commitment to assist individuals with disabilities in using their own resources and opportunities to meet their developmental, vocational, and educational needs;
  • Nourish a commitment to individual human values;
  • Exercise skills and competencies on a high ethical level and with personal integrity; and
  • Maintain a critical, questioning, and exploratory attitude.
  • Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the personal, social, vocational, and psychological needs of persons with disabilities.
  • Develop a strong knowledge of disability and rehabilitation service related community, social, and environmental needs.

The master's degree program is accredited by the Council on Rehabilitation Education (CORE). The program provides a strong foundation in the profession and practice of rehabilitation counseling.

It offers opportunities to develop expertise in the areas of counseling, the social and psychological aspects of disability, the vocational rehabilitation process, case management, ethical practices, independent living, disability management, transition from school to work, vocational assessment, career development and employment strategies.

Graduates are eligible to sit for the national Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) examination and to apply for Limited Licensure as a Professional Counselor (LPC) in the state of Michigan.

Investigate a human services graduate program that offers:

  • Strong and diverse employment opportunities upon graduation
  • Federal scholarships and paid internships
  • Late afternoon and evening classes
  • Supervised practicum and internship
  • Close working relationships between students and faculty
  • Immediate eligibility after graduation for a Limited License as a Professional Counselor (LPC) & Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRC)