The College of Veterinary Medicine offers a master of science program in comparative medicine and integrative biology.

Plan A consists of

  • prescribed course work to develop an understanding of major concepts in comparative medicine and integrative biology as well as to acquire comprehensive knowledge of a major field and related subjects
  • original research of an important problem in human and animal health or biology
  • a thesis
  • a final oral examination.

Plan B consists of

  • prescribed course work
  • a final oral examination.

A master of science degree candidate is required to pass a final oral examination that covers course work in the major and supporting fields (Plans A and B), and a defense of the thesis (Plan A). The examination for the master's degree is administered by the guidance committee.

The thesis defense will consist of a public lecture followed by an oral examination in which the student will defend the thesis and knowledge of related scientific areas. A notice inviting all faculty members in the CVM and participating departments to attend the final examination will be circulated one week prior to the examination date. The form, scope, and time of the examination will be determined by the guidance committee. Results of the examination will be determined by the guidance committee by simple majority vote.