The College of Engineering prepares its students to solve technical, as well as social, economic, and global problems while instilling the essence of engineering – the iterative process of designing, predicting performance, building, and testing. Our engineering programs provide future engineers with firm knowledge and understanding of the fundamental engineering sciences, engineering methods for the application of this knowledge and the project management and communications skills to bring designs to fruition. Programs require a strong base in mathematics, computing, and the sciences as the tools of the engineer. An engineering education provides a teams-based, systems approach to societal problems and therefore prepares students for a wide range of career options, including those outside engineering.

The department is pleased to take this opportunity to introduce its graduate program to you. The decision to continue your education is an important one and we would encourage you to review not only the materials presented in this section but also the descriptions of our faculty and their interests—it is with these individuals that you will be spending much of your time whether in the classroom or in one-on-one research collaboration. The purpose of the materials here is to provide you with general information about our program. If more detailed information is desired, please contact us at one of the addresses given below.

The department currently offers six advanced-degree programs including the MS and Ph.D. in both civil and environmental engineering as well as interdisciplinary MS degrees with urban studies. At any one time, there are about 135 full-time graduate students in the degree programs. Program flexibility is one of the key characteristics of our programs with students developing personalized programs of specialization to suit their long-term career goals, consistent with their professional experience and prior training. The flexibility allows us to accommodate not only the student who has just received the BS but also the experienced engineer or scientist who is returning for additional formal training on either a part- or full-time basis.

The MS allows students to undertake advanced study in a selected area while developing breadth in related areas. This degree is increasingly being considered an entry-level requirement in some specialized areas; it also serves as a steppingstone to the Ph.D. The Ph.D. is for those who wish to pursue even more depth in a given area and serious research. Holders of advanced degrees are in demand by public agencies, consulting firms, industry, and universities.

Our graduate program is strongly linked to our ongoing research programs and many graduate students are involved in externally-funded projects being directed by the faculty. Our primary areas of research are in structures, pavement engineering, environmental microbiology, geotechnical engineering, environmental chemistry, transportation and water resources. The department is quite strong in terms of research activity, being home to several research centers and with annual research funding on the order of $5.3 million annually.