?Students may receive up to 60 credits from their previous degree(s). All students are required to complete the prerequisite math, science and nursing support courses. Once all the GECs are complete and the required Science and math courses, the student will begin the nursing option and can finish in 14 months. Courses are accelerated for these students. Students admitted to the ASBN option must have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or greater in their first major, and a GPA of 2.8 (minimal) in the math and natural science courses (biology, and chemistry). The number of spaces for ABSN students vary each year, thus admission is very competitive. Students with higher GPA?s have greater chances of entering this nursing option due to the acceleration of courses. A preadmission assessment is administered and used to evaluate a student?s math, science, reading, English, and language skills. A designated score must be achieved for admission to nursing.

Students will apply for admission to ABSN nursing option in the spring semester by March 15th. Students selected will be notified by the end of the spring semester. All students must complete all science/math requirements prior to beginning. All students accepted in the ABSN nursing option will begin in the fall semester. Please visit the Office of Student Support Services (OSS) 9 am ? 4 pm to make arrangements to meet with an advisor or have additional questions answered.

Career prospects:

  • Adult Educators
  • Biological Scientists
  • Chemists and Materials Scientists
  • Elementary, Middle, and High School Teachers
  • Environmental Educators
  • Health Educators
  • Pediatricians
  • Physicists and Astronomers
  • Postsecondary Educators/Teachers
  • Teacher Assistants
  • Technical Writers