The following value statements are the foundation of the attitudes, knowledge, and skills taught in all Rehabilitation Counseling degree program courses.

  • Persons with disabilities should be fully included, accepted and valued in the typical life of the community.
  • The community must take responsibility to accept and accommodate persons with disabilities and help remove physical, social, and emotional barriers, which inhibit or block individuals with disabilities feeling a part of and being included in community activities.
  • Persons with disabilities have the responsibility to learn, adjust, and contribute to the community.
  • Persons with disabilities have the right and capacity for choice, self-determination, and self-advocacy.
  • Interpersonal relationships and networks of support between persons with disabilities and community members are central to quality of life and contributions to the community.
  • Persons with disabilities have the same right as others to lead lives which are productive both occupationally and socially, to live with dignity and respect, and to value themselves and their existence.