• The Master of Science in Information Management (MSIM) at the Wayne State University School of Information Sciences will prepare students to be successful in data-intensive and user-centric environments in the information technology industry.
  • The 30-credit (10-course) MSIM degree includes 5 required courses (4 courses plus a capstone practicum) and 5 elective courses, organized into a variety of specializations. Students are free to combine elective courses from various specializations to craft a customized Plan of Work that satisfies the student's particular needs.
  • Students are required to complete a practicum – a 3-credit class that integrates students' classroom learning with real-world work experience. A practicum coordinator places students with a relevant host institution under the direction of an information management professional.
  • Information managers use leading-edge technology solutions, oversee people and processes, and manage large datasets to support decorative image data-driven decision making in all types of businesses, including government agencies and nonprofit organizations.