If you think maps are just the apps that help get us from here to there, think again. Today Geographic Information Science or GIS—the technologies that empower way-finding apps and more—help us do everything from make business decisions and solve complex societal problems to operating unmanned aerial drones.

GIS is used in almost every industry and field including Environmental Science, Wildlife Biology, Criminal Justice, Anthropology, Sociology, Health Information and Business Analysis. As a student of the program offered by the Metropolitan State University of Denver, you will take classes in spatial modeling, GIS applications, cartography, visualization, spatial databases, GIS programming and GIS web mapping. Plus you will complete a GIS internship, senior project and have opportunities to participate in GIS travel study experiences here and in places as far flung as China.

Career prospects

Geospatial Sciences open a world of opportunities. These are some careers you might pursue with a GIS degree:

  • Business development
  • Cartographer
  • Photogrammetrist
  • Community developer
  • Community resource specialist
  • Demographer
  • Digital cartographer
  • Emergency management specialist
  • Geodesist
  • Geointelligence specialist
  • Geoscientist
  • Geospatial analyst
  • Geospatial information scientist and technologist