During the? program offered by the Metropolitan State University of Denver, you will study the cultural, ideological, economic and political contexts of human action, including the processes that create, maintain and transform social institutions. You will gain insights into social factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, education and social class that affect work, groups and organizations.

The best way to understand sociology is to apply it, so you will receive opportunities for internships in a variety of settings. For example, MSU Denver?students have helped supervise restorative justice interventions for middle and high school students in Denver Public Schools. At the Fort Collins Museum of Art, they have worked to develop museum programming and community outreach efforts for preschool/pre-k students. They have evaluated an initiative on the Blackfeet Reservation by the Native American Community Development Corporation in Browning, Mont., and have performed wellness assessments for Eaton Senior Communities.

Career prospects

An undergraduate degree in Sociology provides students with the necessary skills to be successful in the rapidly evolving job market. MSU Denver Sociology graduates appeal to employers who are looking for strong critical thinking, communication skills, ethical judgment, the ability to work in diverse teams and openness to continuous learning. A Sociology degree from MSU Denver is a springboard to number of careers in a range of fields, among them education, government, market research, case management and human resources.