University of Denver, Mathematics

The MS and MA degrees prepare the practitioner for careers in which mathematics plays a central role. The PhD is a research degree that prepares the recipient to advance the frontiers of knowledge within a specific area of interest. It is structured to provide the flexibility for students to incorporate interests in allied fields.

Our graduates are highly sought, not only for their knowledge of mathematics, but also for their ability to solve problems, to think abstractly and to see the big picture, and to articulate their ideas with clarity and precision. Our graduates have been successful in a remarkably diverse collection of careers, including industry, business, education and academia.

This degree requires completion of 45 quarter hours of graduate- level courses, including 12 hours of approved mathematics courses at the 4000 level. Up to 15 hours may be in an approved cognate area. At most 10 hours of courses from another university may count toward the degree.

Demonstrated competency in a tool is required and may be chosen from among the following: proficiency in the use of a modern computing typesetting system; outside courses; laboratory experience; or reading competency in French, German or Russian. No thesis is required.