While pursuing your degree, you'll examine politics from both substantive and methodological aspects. A deep understanding of these aspects can lead to an academic career in research, writing, and teaching, or a professional career in public service or the private sector.

The faculty members are outstanding teachers and distinguished researchers. They're considered among the most productive in the nation in terms of research. They have:

  • Earned recognition from the American Council on Education, American Political Science Association, Fulbright Scholar Program and International Studies Association, among others.
  • Written articles in peer-reviewed journals such as the American Journal of Political ScienceAmerican Political Science ReviewJournal of Politics, and Political Research Quarterly.

For its contributions to the field, our department was selected by the American Political Science Association to house the American Political Science Review, the premier research journal in the discipline. UNT was the first university in Texas to house the journal.

The faculty has participated in high-profile research regarding school choice, political campaigns and elections, American public law, democratization in the Third World, and international peace. Recent research has been supported by:

  • The Ford Foundation
  • The Fulbright Fellowship program
  • The Minerva Initiative-U.S Department of Defense
  • The National Science Foundation
  • The National Endowment for the Humanities