A growing number of aviation and aerospace businesses require specialists in both internal communications and media relations. Students in this program learn how scientists think and work, and how to communicate scientific and technological information to a variety of audiences accurately and effectively. The program culminates in an internship, where students can put theory into practice.

The Bachelor of Science in Communication requires students to integrate knowledge of science and technology with practice in communication.

In this program, students learn how scientists think, how they frame research questions, and how they use various methodologies to pursue their goals. Communication students additionally practice gathering, analyzing, and disseminating scientific and technological information to a variety of audiences. A significant element of the program is the capstone experience, an internship in which students put theory into practice.

As modern society is increasingly influenced by developments in science and technology, the demand for skilled communicators in these fields continues to grow. Aviation, aerospace, and business industries, for example, require more internal communication specialists, as well as professionals in media and public relations, to relay information clearly and accurately. This program addresses that nationwide necessity.

News organizations rely on science communicators in various fields, including meteorology, environmentalism, medicine, and technology. Communication students work in traditional written media, such as newspapers, newsletters, magazines, and journals, as well as in cutting-edge information retrieval and delivery systems, including Web sites and networked blogs.

This focused, yet flexible, course of study requires students to hone specialized communication skills and to produce portfolios displaying those skills.
  • Communicating science information to specific and general audiences through a variety of mass media,
  • Representing companies and organizations through media relations, using written, oral, and visual media, and
  • Communicating news to general audiences through print and electronic media.