The program?s focus is primarily on the engineering of mission-oriented vehicles for atmospheric and space flight. In addition to the general education requirements, the student will study aerodynamics, structures, propulsion, space systems, controls, materials, instrumentation, electrical fundamentals, computer applications, orbital mechanics, and design.

Students choose to integrate their knowledge in either an aircraft or spacecraft capstone design project. Design projects in a number of courses will develop and refine the students? ability to integrate their knowledge, communicate both verbally and in writing, and work in a team environment.

A large number of hands-on experiences will expose the student to practical engineering to balance the theoretical analysis required to understand aircraft and spacecraft systems.

The overall objective of the Aerospace Engineering program at Prescott is to produce graduates who will be successful practitioners of aerospace engineering.

The program objectives to measure our accomplishment of this goal are engineers who:
  • Demonstrate achievements in their chosen profession
  • Contribute to the development of the profession
  • Engage in professional growth
  • Contribute to the welfare of society through service