Students in the MA program will be able to:

  • demonstrate a general knowledge of the Bible, including a synthetic understanding of major Bible books;
  • evidence a general knowledge of systematic theology from a premillennial framework and an ability to support their theological views and apply them to contemporary issues;
  • demonstrate specific knowledge in the discipline of their selected concentration in the program necessary for advanced research in that discipline;
  • evidence an increasing likeness to Christ as manifested in love for God, love for others, and the fruit of the Spirit; and
  • demonstrate involvement in their local churches and/or other ministries with which they are associated.

Sixty semester hours of coursework are required as a minimum for graduation. Students may also be required to complete additional leveling work in foundational biblical, theological, and ministry areas as well as in the biblical languages (Hebrew and Greek) if they have not had sufficient back- ground in these disciplines prior to admission. The amount of leveling work required will be determined as part of the admissions process for the degree.