The biology program at Dallas Baptist University is designed to produce knowledgeable individuals who have an understanding of the basic biological tenets of God's creation. The academic information is presented in a Christian context to enhance the students' ability to become responsible, caring citizens in society.

A macrobiology major seeks to meet the following goals:

  • To understand underlying principles of the cell and how they apply to the increasing complexity of the organism through tissues to the total organism.
  • To produce a graduate who understands the mechanisms of the ecosystem and the role that the organism plays within that balance.
  • To produce a graduate who understands the current research involving various organisms and can actively participate in the research process as they develop a high level of critical thinking.
  • The end product will be students interested in pursuing medicine, graduate work, or employment in the scientific arena, who are well prepared to handle the intellectual requirements of their chosen field.
  • To enable students to make wise, ethical, and moral decisions concerning issues that affect humans and their environment.