We are looking for applicants with a record of outstanding achievement and evidence of potential success in graduate studies, attributes which can be measured in various ways such as grades, recommendations, written work, and test scores. Students with a master’s degree from an accredited institution may apply for admission to the doctoral program. Students with a bachelor’s degree only and with very strong credentials may be admitted into the doctoral program. Applicants must meet the admissions requirements set by both the graduate school, which are listed in its materials, and the department of history.

With a program and faculty that are recognized regionally, nationally, and internationally, the history department at the University of Miami is dedicated to producing Ph.D.s of the highest quality. Our selective program offers close, individualized training for the next generation of teachers and researchers who will shape and lead the historical profession. While we have particular strengths in the histories of Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe, and the United States, our faculty shares interests that cut across geographies: gender and sexuality; religion; race and ethnicity; law; and economy, among others. Additionally, we have a strong commitment to interdisciplinarity, as we actively maintain bridges to other departments, programs, and centers at the University of Miami. Our graduate students are encouraged to take advantage of these dynamic scholarly connections as they cultivate their own intellectual pursuits.

The courses combine innovative subjects and methods with more traditional subjects and presentations. In their classes, students have the opportunity to experience the latest and best historical research and writing, to explore special topics in depth, and to receive rigorous training in researching, analyzing, and writing history from nationally and internationally recognized scholarship.