Computer Engineering is concerned with the characterization, design, analysis, and implementation of hardware, software, and overall architecture of computers and computer systems and the development of applications enabled by such configurations. This ranges from embedded microprocessors and associated software supporting a variety of familiar devices, to large-scale distributed computer systems interconnected by high-speed telecommunication networks controlled by sophisticated communication protocols.
The program provides a strong background in the fundamentals in the physical sciences, mathematics and computer science. These basic foundations will then be used to acquire discipline-specific knowledge and skills in logic design, analysis and implementation of hardware, software and the overall architecture of computers and computer systems, computer organization, microcontrollers, operating systems, software design and algorithms.
The objectives of the BSCpE program is to prepare graduates who, within the first four to six years after graduation are, either:
- Working as a professional or as an entrepreneur in an area closely related to computer engineering, or
- Exhibit lifelong learning by pursuing or having completed a graduate or professional degree and/or demonstrated professional development.