Students interested in pursuing chemistry as an undergraduate degree have two options available to them, which are based on their career plans.  These are the bachelor of science degree (B.S.) and a bachelor of arts degree (B.A.). Since the required chemistry courses in each degree program are the same the first year, it is easy to change from one program to another. A chemistry faculty adviser is assigned to a student once she/he enters the program. The student's adviser provides academic guidance concerning the choice of courses to meet requirements for the major and overall.

The B.A. major offers CHEM 698, Senior Seminar, as the capstone experience. Students work with the faculty member teaching the seminar to prepare a presentation based upon a research project or subject-driven professional engagement. The ability to integrate detailed subject matter and communicate this to the broader community, both scientific and general society, is encouraged. This exercise enhances the student’s writing ability, aids in the development of broader communication skills, and enables the student to obtain valuable research experience.