In this full-time, fast-track program, students with an undergraduate accounting degree, earn their advanced degree from an AACSB-accredited institution in less than 1 year. A 2-year program is available for non-accounting majors. An option is also available for non-business majors. This program meets the requirements of accounting licensing boards in all U.S. states that have adopted the 150 hour requirement.

Our excellent career placement record is evidence of the recognized abilities of our MS Accounting graduates. Recent graduates have accepted positions at firms such as: BerryDunn; Baker Newman Noyes; Caron & Bletzer; Deloitte; Ernst and Young; Howe, Riley & Howe; Johnson and Johnson, Inc; KPMG; Leone, McDonnell & Roberts; Liberty Mutual; Melanson Heath & Company; Nathan Wechsler; Price Waterhouse Coopers; and Tonneson and Company.

Paul College takes you beyond the diploma track, to a place of leadership and career competence in the business world. The faculty serve as mentors to our students. Study in a modern, advanced, and technology-enabled facility.