The psychology major provides students with a broad education, while also allowing some specialization. The program exposes students to the scientific study of behavior and encourages an increased understanding of the behavior of humans and animals.

Students who wish to declare psychology as a major after enrolling in the University should consult with the department's academic counselor for application procedures and criteria.

Learnig Outcomes

  • Demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings in psychology.
  • Understand basic research methods in psychology including design, data analysis, and interpretation; and utilize this knowledge to conduct their own psychological research, with an appreciation of the ethical issues involved in human and non-human research.
  • Engage in scientific reasoning and problem solving so that they can evaluate the quality and implications of scientific research.
  • Write empirical research reports and literature reviews in American Psychological Association style and present findings from scientific research.