There are three pre-approved M.S. tracks available: Geodesy, Mapping and Geographical Information Science, and Geodesy & Geodynamics. Each of these tracks has a thesis option (plan A) and a non-thesis option (plan B). There is a set of core courses as well as a set of elective courses. In order to develop a broad perspective of geodetic science, a student in each track is encouraged to take cross speciality courses in topics of the other tracks.

A student with the proper background usually needs one to one and a half years to complete the M.S. requirements; perhaps somewhat longer for the thesis option. Students returning to academic work after a long absence may need more time. Because most courses are offered only once a year, it is important to start studies at the beginning of an Autumn Semester, or to take some general catch-up courses (e.g., Math 254 or Math 568) in the preceding Summer Session. A working knowledge of computer programming in a high-level language is strongly advised, as well as a solid mathematical background, particularly in matrix algebra. Note that the geodesy/geodynamic track, oriented more toward geodetic applications in the Earth Science, offers more flexibility in terms of curriculum and time to completion of the M.S. degree.