School members are expected to become stewards of the science by applying rigorous scientific methods, and cutting-edge analytical approaches in a focused domain. Being at the scientific forefront facilitates a culture of knowledge and innovation, and is fundamental to becoming a steward of one’s profession. Our faculty and graduates will lead their disciplines by engaging in life-long research, effectively disseminating scientific discoveries, and performing service to their professions.

Innovative Research

  • Develop In-depth foundational knowledge within one of the focused five pillars of study
  • Develop mastery of innovative scientific methods to produce original rigorous research, culminating in independent, scholarly thought
  • Advance the science and the profession through pursuit of grant funding, publication of scientific discoveries and dissemination in scientific and professional forums as well as in the classroom
  • Aggressively disseminate research discoveries and knowledge to stakeholders in diverse locations and backgrounds, including other professionals, students, consumers, and legislators