Agricultural and Applied Economics is home to several programs and research centers where students can seek on-campus work experience.

  • Agricultural Electronic Bulletin Board, a web-based clearinghouse for information related to farming and production agriculture
  • Center for Applied Research and Environmental Systems, a spatial economics and information research and education center
  • Commercial Agriculture Program, a multi-disciplinary approach to researching issues and incorporating innovation into production agriculture
  • Contracting and Organizations Research Institute, dedicated to enabling and encouraging interdisciplinary empirical research on contracting and organizational structure
  • Food Equation Institute, a research center with a focus on biotechnology and other agricultural and technologies relating to food production, distribution and consumption
  • Economics and Management of Agrobiotechnology Center, a research institute with a focus on applications of biotechnology on agriculture and food production and distribution
  • Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute, a Congressionally-enacted center whose mission is to provide objective analysis of food, agricultural, nutritional and environmental issues
  • McQuinn Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, promotes research, teaching, and outreach on the nature, causes, and consequences of entrepreneurship.
  • Missouri Institute of Cooperatives, coordinates information and leadership training for cooperatives serving Missouri