Occupational therapists are skilled health professionals who provide services to infants, children, adults and older persons experiencing physical, emotional or mental limitations in performing everyday activities. The department’s philosophy supports a holistic model that emphasizes empowerment and the mind, body, spirit. The curriculum focuses on the value of occupation in relationship to health and wellness. The department’s mission is to produce competent practitioners who can meet the challenges and changes occurring in institutions, community-based programs and educational settings in both urban and rural areas of Missouri.
Occupational therapists are employed in public and private schools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers, mental health facilities, nursing homes, home health agencies, community health programs and industry. As independent health practitioners, they are also involved in business, working with disability claims, in work-hardening programs and wellness/health promotion, or as proprietors of their own therapy services. Occupational therapists also work as educators, administrators, consultants and researchers.