As a student in electrical engineering, you will learn to apply principles from math, physics, and computing to design next-generation electronic products that will transform the world. Your coursework will provide opportunities to learn how electronic devices work and how to combine hardware and software to produce smart systems having unprecedented capabilities. Every semester, you will participate in hands-on practicums that build practical applications on top of theoretical foundations. Your studies will culminate in a capstone design experience, where you will work with real engineers to produce a real system that solves a real societal need.

Along the way, you will often take small classes with dedicated faculty and you will feel like you are in a small college within a large research university. If you are a particularly ambitious student, you will be encouraged to participate in a serious research projects, perhaps leading to your first published work.

As an electrical engineering major, you may choose to concentrate in an area such as microelectronics, systems and controls, communication networks, or electric energy systems. The curriculum is sufficiently flexible to accommodate a very broad spectrum of career plans.