The  programme delivered by University of South Carolina offers courses in ancient, medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, 18th-century, modern, American and Asian art, as well as architecture and film and photo history. General survey and special topics courses are offered every semester. Our faculty consists of dedicated teachers who are also nationally and internationally recognized scholars.

Through classroom instruction and additional research and internship opportunities students develop skills in visual analysis, historical understanding, critical thinking, research and writing, and intellectual and practical problem solving.

Graduates with a B.A. or M.A. in Art History generally pursue careers in gallery or museum administration, teaching, or working within historical organizations. Some art history majors may continue onto graduate school for a Ph.D. and become university professors or museum curators. Others may put the critical and analytical training they acquired through art history to good use by continuing their education with advanced degrees in alternative fields, such as law or business.


Graduates with a major in art history are attractive to employers due to their abilities in the following areas:

  • Visual literacy
  • Research skills
  • Advanced skills in writing
  • Attention to language
  • Logical and analytical observation
  • Diverse of knowledge across many topics
  • Capacity to form cogent arguments
  • Collaboration/teamwork
  • Critical thinking/analytical reasoning
  • Decision making and ethical judgment