is the science of data. Statisticians provide and interpret the data that is crucial in the decision-making process for government officials, business professionals and industry leaders worldwide. 

In the Statistics programme delivered by University of South Carolina, you will develop the ability to perform fundamental statistical analyses, prepare informative graphics for public presentation and use statistical programming languages with applications across a variety of fields.

There are three options under the bachelor's degree with a major in statistics program. You can pursue the general major, the major with emphasis in actuarial mathematics and statistics or the intensive major. The major with emphasis in actuarial mathematics and statistics is designed for students planning a career as an actuary, while the intensive major is designed for students planning on graduate study in statistics.

The department's 15 faculty members are well-known for teaching and research excellence. As a statistics major, you can also benefit from the USC Center of Reliability and Quality Sciences, where faculty and students conduct research projects on and off campus. You can also seek out internship opportunities to gain hands-on experience in the field.


A major in statistics can prepare you for careers in:

  • pharmaceuticals (evaluating the safety and efficacy of new drugs)
  • government (predicting inflation rates and conducting the census)
  • finance (developing credit scoring algorithms)