As a major at the University of South Carolina, you will receive a high degree of individual attention and mentoring from a faculty of distinguished scholars. In the context of a major research university, the program provides wider connections to many other disciplines including a nationally ranked comparative literature graduate program, an innovative interdisciplinary group that studies classics in contemporary perspective, a strong history department and exposure to international scholarships.

You will develop important skills including precision, analysis, awareness of cultures other than your own, historical perspective and an improvement of written and oral expression in English. As a classics major, you will choose a concentration in ancient Greek, Latin or classical studies. 

The Classics Program, offered through the department of languages, literatures and cultures, allows concentration in Greek or Latin languages or classical studies. The program offers courses in Greek and Latin, courses in translation and courses in the departments of art history, comparative literature, history, philosophy and religious studies.


While a major in classics primarily prepares students for a career in teaching, the broad range of courses in the departments of art history, comparative literature, history, philosophy and religious studies allows for broad application of this degree.