As an major at the University of South Carolina, you will gain knowledge in four areas — cultural anthropology, archaeology, linguistic anthropology and biological anthropology. You will experience intensive discussion, multimedia engagement and hands-on applications in many classes, while acquiring skills in research methodology and presentation. Anthropology majors also have the opportunity to participate in research and fieldwork, both abroad and locally.

You will develop skills necessary to appreciate the cultural and biological diversity of humans, while learning how to apply this knowledge in a variety of ways. Many unique opportunities await you, such as getting involved with a field school offered each summer in archaeology and ethnology.

The Department of Anthropology in the College of Arts and Sciences offers a truly holistic training in human behavior, culture, communication and biocultural dynamics, which produces well-rounded students. This type of program is relatively unique across the country. You also can choose a research track/intensive major leading to a Bachelor of Arts with Distinction in Anthropology.


A major in anthropology can prepare you for careers as:

  • field assistants
  • museum curators
  • exhibit arrangers
  • coroner technicians