The largest country in the world, Russia is now at a crossroads, making it a particularly fascinating topic of study. We are the only university in South Carolina offering a major in .

In the Russian programme delivered by University of South Carolina, you will be immersed in the study of Russian culture, language and literature and be exposed to innovative classes with award-winning professors who are dedicated to the success of our students. You will learn to speak, read, write and understand the Russian language as well as develop a keen understanding of Russian culture and history. Many of our students choose to double-major in Russian and another field, often international studies, business or one of the sciences. 

You may also choose to study in Russia. The Russian program is affiliated with the American council program of study abroad in Russia. You can travel with our faculty to Russia on one of many study abroad trips. Destinations in the past have included Moscow, St. Petersburg, Lake Baikal, Taganrog and more. During your study abroad experience, you will be immersed in language and culture and develop skills that will benefit your coursework when you come back to Carolina and that will enhance your future career opportunities.


A major in Russian can prepare you for careers in:

  • international business
  • foreign service
  • travel and tourism
  • translation and interpreting
  • education